The UABT includes the Administrative and Educational Structures follows:The Rectory.
• The Vice Rector for pedagogical issues of development and recycling.
• The Vice Rector in charge of issues related to animation, scientific and technical advancement and external relations.
• The Vice Rector in charge of matters relating to the planning, guidance and information.
• The Secretary General.
• The Central University Library.
• Faculties and Departments.
The University includes the Rector, seven faculties and common services:
- The Rectory
Under the authority of the Rector, it is the university's governing body.
The Rector is responsible for the overall operation of the University. He represents the university in all acts of civil life and exercise supervisory authority over the whole university staff. It ensures the implementation of the legislation in teaching and education.
It is officer of the university's budget and is responsible for maintaining order and discipline.
He is assisted in his duties by three Vice - Presidents and the Secretary General.
- The Vice Rector for pedagogical issues of development and recycling
Its function:
- To monitor issues relating to the conduct of lessons and courses organized by the university;
- Ensure the proper organization and improvement of knowledge control systems;
- To study and prepare all the measures to promote development, retraining and continuing education at the university. Are placed under the authority of the Vice Rector:
-the teaching service
-The internship Service
-the service credentials
-The central school
- The Vice Rector in charge of issues related to animation, scientific and technical advancement and external relations
Its function:
- To promote, organize and track university relations with other industries, universities and educational institutions and national and foreign training;
- Promoting and organizing exchanges of teachers, researchers, students, and documentation;
- Organizing meetings, symposia and national and international seminars;
- To encourage and stimulate the integration of the university in its environment, a more enhanced joint training, research and scientific production;
- Coordinating the university's research projects and plans of the faculties. are placed under the authority of the Vice Rector:
- The post graduation Service
- Training service abroad
- The service of the development of scientific and technical research
- The external relations department and the organization of scientific events
- The Vice Rector in charge of matters relating to the planning, guidance and information
Its function:
- Keep the file university statistics and ensure its update;
- To perform the forecasts of numbers of students to form in accordance with the objectives of the plan;
-to ensure student information on education and employment opportunities especially through information cells;
- To set up equipment and building academic programs;
- Ensure the organization of the university administration documentation;
- Provide information about the university and faculty publications that community;
- Contribute to the development of projects forwards educational development plan, science and culture of the university;
To achieve its objectives, the Vice Rector is organized into two services:
- The planning service, guidance and statistics
- The service of equipment and construction programs The Secretary General
It aims to:
- Prepare, perform and follow the personnel management acts within the limits of the University of missions;
- Conservation of the documentation and the University Archives;
- Ensure the functioning of the common services of the University;
- To coordinate and monitor the activities of administrative services;
- Ensure the maintenance of equipment and execution of major repairs.
Are placed under the authority of the Secretary General of the university, in following directions:
- Under the direction of finance and resources
- Under the personal leadership
- Under the direction of cultural and sporting activities
- Common Services: Computer Centre, Institute for the generalization of the Arabic language and intensive language teaching (IGLAEIL) Hall technology.
- The Central University Library
The University Abu Bekr Belkaid has been strengthened by the recent acquisition of a central library with an area of 8500 square meters of floor space including 7057. Its capacity is 1034 seats and allows storage of 525,000 works. The bottom of the central library is:
-8973 Book titles mainly in Arabic, English and French divided between the internal and the external loan
-1093 Periodicals including 214 in Arabic and 879 in foreign languages
-596 Titles theses (PhD, master, engineer) all specialties.
The Central Library is governed by regulations which students can learn about with the manager.
In addition to the central library, all faculties of the university Abou Bekr Belkaid have their own libraries.
- Faculties and Departments:
- The faculty
The faculty is a teaching unit and university research in the field of science and knowledge .It is multidisciplinary, but may involve a single discipline. It provides lessons graduation and post - graduation research activities and ongoing training programs for training and retraining. The faculty is made up of departments which it coordinates and has an organized library services and The faculty is headed by a Dean, administered by a faculty council and has a scientific council. - The Dean
is responsible for the management of the faculty. He shall exercise supervisory authority over all staff. It is the budget officer of the faculty and thus receives a delegation of signature by the President. The Dean is assisted by a director, responsible for the budget, a secondary accounting officer, a personnel and pedagogy service charge
- The Faculty Council
It is chaired by the Dean and includes: The president of the scientific council of the faculty, department heads, directors of research units (if any) a representative of teachers by department (elected among the grade highest) representative (elected) students per department, two (02) (elected) representatives of administrative, technical and .Le employees who assist the Dean attends meetings in an advisory capacity. The Faculty Council shall:
- Study the development prospects of the Faculty of program actions of continuing education, training and retraining.
- Develop the draft budgets of the faculty
- To examine the management of the faculty
- The preparation of annual budgets and approve the annual report from the Dean
- To give its opinion on any question submitted by the Dean. - The Scientific Council of Faculty
It includes the Dean, heads of departments, the presidents of scientific committees of departments, directors of research units (if applicable), a representative elected by department teachers; The President of the Faculty of Science Council is elected by the members of the Board among the highest He is appointed by the Minister for a period of three (03) years, renewable once.
The Faculty of Science Council is responsible for issuing opinions and recommendations on:
- The organization and content of education and research
- Proposals for research, openness, renewal or closure of post dies - graduation and the number of positions.
- He agrees to the thesis topics, follows up and proposes the thesis juries.
- Examines candidates for teaching positions, means the priorities and needs
- It gives its opinion on any question pedagogical or research before it.
- The Department
The department is mono unit disciplinary teaching and research which consists It is headed by a department head and with a scientific committee which includes, besides the department head, six (06) to eight (08) members elected representatives of the teachers in a grade division. The Chairman of the Scientific Committee is elected from among the members of the Scientific Committee justifying the highest rank for a term of three (03) years, renewable once.
The Scientific Committee has overlooked the department the same powers as those of the Faculty of Science Council with respect to the faculty. It gives more advice on the distribution of teaching loads.